App Creative setup Version 1

Creative requirements for your app set up.

Hex codes:

  • Primary and secondary colours (Primary should ideally be darker and secondary lighter)

    • Example:

Primary: (Dark red) Hex: #ED1C24

Secondary: (Light red) Hex: #F74342


White notification logo: (Icon logo for push notifications on mobile)

  • 512x512px png transparent image

    • Example:

Example Logo shown on black

App icon: Logo for app icon on mobile

  • 1024x1024px png flat image

  • Keep logo in middle and have negative space around

  • Example:


Example App Icon



Transparent logo: Logo on both a circle and transparent background to be used on app

  • 1024x1024 png transparent image:

  • Example:

Example transparent icon with circle

Example logo with transparent background



Login splash screen: App Initial login screen image

  • 1024x1024 png flat image:

  • Have a dark gradient going up image as shown below to make CTA’s and Text stand out

  • Example:


Login Screen tutorial




Home screen assets: Images for buttons on homescreen

  • Background image: 1000 x 600px png (Keep image simple to avoid cluttered appearance)

  • Button images: 1700 x 1100px png 

Button images required:

  • Order now

  • Refer a friend

  • Free product

  • Minimum 2x News and updates buttons

    • Each news and updates requires.

      • 1x image (Try to keep content in the middle to avoid cutting it off when clicked in)

      • 1x Header text (keep short. example: “About Us”)

      • 1x Body text

  • Example:



App homescreen Examples: