Hardware Installation

How to get started?

Well done, you are now ready to BOSS IT! 🥳

You have received your hardware devices, make sure you checked all cables and plugs and now you’re ready to start. 

Let’s begin, following those steps: 

  1. Switch your SUNMI device ON
  2. The SUNMI register page is up on your screen, we usually recommend having managerial admin permission for this initial step. Please have all your details ready to go:
  • Email  (The email address you have chosen for your account creation)
  • Verification code ( This code will be sent to same email address) 
  • Password ( you will then create a password) 

    Sunmi register window 1

3. Prior to switching ALL your SUNMI devices, make sure you’re matching the same credentials ( phone login & pin code)  for all of your devices. It makes it easier for future access, including remote access! 

4. Connect your device to the WiFi > via the Till settings ( 3 dots) or the WiFi icon ( image of this screen).

5. Click on App store on your homescreen > Type in search bar “ BOSS IT” 

6. Launch BOSS IT App 

7. Insert your phone number and personal pin access (This access was sent to you via text message ) 

8. Choose your Venue> Choose your Device 

Congratulations, You’re in! 

You can find more information on "How to setup BOSS IT venue here: https://faq.bossithq.com/knowledge/how-to-setup-boss-it-venue