Changing opening hours

Tutorial how to change to opening hours of your venue through the BOSS IT admin dashboard.

1. Log into the BOSS IT admin portal. Once logged in go to the "Schedule" Drop down and then "Service open hours" as seen below.

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 12-39-48-png

2. When hovering over each time slot you can either

  • Delete: This deleted this time slot (Cannot be undone)
  • Edit: Brings up the edit time slot window. 
  • Add: Brings up the edit time slot window where you can add a time slot

3. Click edit pencil to bring up below window. delete edit or add time interval. 

Click Save to make changes to affect. 

4. In most cases the most important times to change is the collection delivery times. This avoids any orders made during closed hours/days 


Days carry on weekly. So changing Hours on a Monday will carry on for every following Monday this includes if Monday is tomorrow or Today