How to open  a Business Account

You can easily and quickly open a business account as a business owner.


Visit and select "Create an Account" and that you want to create your | Account for business use.

You will be asked to:

  • Fill in your E-mail and business name

  • Select the industry to which your business belongs

  • Indicate your company's head office

  • Enter your company's website (if available)

  • Select the annual turnover of your business and the number of employees you employ

  • Enter your mobile phone number and your name

You will then receive a notification to the E-mail you have provided to continue the registration process.

1. Create Account Credentials

  • Viva will ask you to create your login details (enter your personal details and create your password).

  • Verify your phone by entering the OTP password you received in your mobile number.

2. Business Details & Account Payout

  • Fill in your business details (Country, Business Type, Business Type, General Tax Identification Number, Business Tax Identification Number and Monthly Transaction Amount).

  • Indicate if you are the legal representative of the business. 
  • Choose to create a business account in the payment details: Business Account, OR a local IBAN account for payments (Country, IBAN, IBAN Confirmation): viva .com Business Profile Account

3. Personal & Business Information

  • Login to your account.

  • Start the process of entering your personal data: father's name, date of birth, place and country of birth, home address.

  • Enter your VAT number.

  • Confirm the financial and transactional information of your Business (Annual Amount of Incoming/Outgoing Remittances etc.)

  • Enter the date of incorporation, the address of your Business and its financial information.