1. Knowledge Base
  2. Admin Portal
  3. Create or Edit existing Menu

How to create or edit Products in my menu?

In this section, we cover how you can add products or edit your existing ones.

Via your Admin Portal, you can click on Menu > Products. 

1. To ADD products, you click on Menu > Products > Add product:

2. To create this new product, you will need to fill out the mandatory fields, as the following: 

  • Name
  • Printing name (same as name)
  • Department
  • Online department (is this product also available online? If YES, choose the correct department)
  • Subtitle
  • Description (If the products have it, certain products might need description online)

  • PLU ( unique codes for each product, 10+ digits) 
  • Price type: Mark as Static
  • List order ( this is the order your product will show up on a list, you should have them from the least to the most: -20, -19, -18, -17 etc.)
  • Available externally ON
  • Is active ON

  • Press the CREATE button at the top right of the page.


Your product is now created! 🥳 

You next step is to add Price + VAT to each created product, please follow the instructions here on  "How to add Price + VAT to products ".