How to schedule and send push messages through BOSS IT Admin portal

How to schedule and send push messages through BOSS IT Admin portal

1. Go to your Venue group on top left. Make sure are not in individual venue section

2. Scroll down to "notifications" tab on bottom left

3. Click "+Add new" button.

1. Enter title of Push. max 65 characters. Please minimise the amount of text as best practice

2. Enter body text of Push. max 240 characters. Please minimise the amount of text as best practice

3. Select segment of who to send push too. This is the specific venues in your group.

Note* Please leave this blank for scheduling. segmenting ads processing time so will not send on exact time of scheduling. This issue will be fixed in later releases.

4. Schedule push if needed.

Send instant push

Note: By pressing create you are not sending push. Push is sent from main list view as shown below.

You will then be shown details of push.

Please double check details as when you click "Confirm" the push is sent.


Schedule push

You can see status of push once created as shown below.

Note: screen will need to be refreshed to update status.

Note* Please leave venue segmenting blank for scheduling. Segmenting adds processing time so will not send on exact time of scheduling. This issue will be fixed in later releases. (If venues are segmented it can send up to 1.5hrs after scheduled time)