Product Campaign

Introducing a new way of marketing — Product Campaigns. This tool is accessible in the Admin panel while managing a venue group. The setup consists of creating the campaigns themselves and their filters.

Campaign Creation


Mandatory fields: Name (technical, for internal use), Display name.

Optional fields: Start and End dates, Image.

Predefined fields: Eligibility, Priority, Usage limit, User usage limit, Reward limit.

  • Priority determines the priority of the campaign for customers, the higher it is, the more important it is. Each customer can see only one campaign that is the highest priority for them, however, it is not only the priority that affects whether the customer sees this campaign or not.

  • Start and end fields indicate the dates when this campaign will be available for use.

  • Requires Opt in indicates if you require customers to have opted into marketing. If they are not opted in they will not have access to the functionality. Great for conversion
  • Usage limit determines the total number of awards given, for example, we are ready to give out 100 drinks, in this case, we will specify 100. Leave “0” value to keep this parameter unlimited.

  • Customer usage limit determines the total amount of rewards one customer can receive. Leave “0” value to keep this parameter unlimited.

  • Reward limit determines the number of rewards that a customer can receive within a single order. The minimum value is 1.

  • Minimum order value Set the minimum total order value required to order
  • Eligibility determines the access to the campaign among customers. There are two options here: All clients, or Limited. For the limited option, you will need to configure campaign filters which will be described further.

  • Display name and Image serve as visually representation of the campaign to customers. Refer to the example below for clarification. 

    • Button images: 1700 x 1100px png/jpg (try to keep to around 200-400kb)


After creating a campaign, the Rewards area will appear on the page. The campaign must have at least one reward, otherwise it will be considered invalid. The number of rewards added to the campaign is unlimited, as well as the values of these rewards: they can be provided free of charge or at a reduced cost. 

Example: Normal price of item is €10

€0 in field means the product is given for free. 

€5 in field means you are giving it at a discount




To refine campaign eligibility, filters must be added, so first you need to create them. After the filters are created, you can add one or several of them to campaign, as filters can work together. Filters are essential for Campaigns of Limited eligibility type.

Navigate to Campaign Filters page to mange filters. When creating a filter, you need to select a type and enter relevant values. There are 10 types in total, let's examine each one more closely.


  • No orders from includes customers who have not made any orders starting from the specified date. Specifying the date is mandatory in this case.

  • Has orders includes customers who have made at least one order starting from the specified date, before the specified date, or in the specified period. In this case, you must specify at least one of the dates.

  • Number of orders includes customers whose total number of orders corresponds to the specified values. You must specify at least one parameter, or both.

  • Total spent includes customers whose total amount of orders corresponds to the entered values. You must specify at least one parameter, or both.

  • Average check includes customers whose average order amount corresponds to the entered values. You must specify at least one parameter, or both.

  • Visited location includes customers who have made at least one order in the specified locations, it is possible to specify one or several venues.

  • Items in order includes customers whose orders included at least one of the products listed in the filter. All orders taken into account.

  • Items in online order includes customers whose orders included at least one of the products listed in the filter. In this case we take into account only orders created through the widget or the mobile application.

  • No orders last N days includes customers who have not made any orders in recent days, the number of which is indicated in the filter.

  • Has orders last N days includes customers who have made at least one order in recent days, the number of which is indicated in the filter.


Campaign Validation

  • Campaign must be active.

  • Campaign must have at least one active reward to be valid.

  • Limited eligibility campaigns require filters.

  • Customers must meet filter criteria for Limited eligibility campaigns.

  • Customer has not reached the User usage limit.

  • Total number of awards issued has not surpassed the overall Usage limit.

  • Campaign start and end dates are valid.

  • Customers only see the highest priority available campaign.